I am a child in these hills
I am away
I am alone
I am a child in these hills
And looking for water
And looking for life
Who will show me the river and ask my name?
Is there nobody here who'll do that?
Well I have come to these hills
I will come to the river
As I choose to be gone from the house of my father
I am a child in these hills
I am a child
Chased from the gates of the city where no one had touched me
I am away
I am alone
I am a child in these hills
And looking for water
And looking for life
Who will show me the river and ask me my name?
Is there nobody here who'll do that?
Well I have come to these hills
I will come to the river
As I choose to be gone from the house of my father
I am a child in these hills
I am a child
I am a child
I am a child
A Child In These Hills Lyrics performed by Jackson Browne are property and copyright of the authors, artists and labels. You should note that A Child In These Hills Lyrics performed by Jackson Browne is only provided for educational purposes only and if you like the song you should buy the CD