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A Quick Trip To The Clinic Lyrics

A quick trip to the clinic if you can fake a temperature
Is it just my imagination or are you no colder than you were before?
Even depression's not depressing anymore
Even disconnection can't connect us anymore
"Turned on by thermometers?" to quote the nurse who's quoting a movie
Call the clinic, I need a worse nurse
It would take a hearse to move me
I'm sure you're shedding great fake lakes of saline sympathy
A colored contact for every emotion, for any occasion, for every situation
These plastic modeled seats had to be cast from someone's perfect ass
Leaving the rest of us to squirm uncomfortably
Died of pneumonia that I got on the walk to get my flu shot
Buried in your perfect skin, like a catheter
You did all that chemotherapy just so you could keep hanging out with me
I didn't have the heart to dump you after that
Found naked in the noose now
Found naked in the new snow
They touch your skin, still insisting that you don't feel cold

A Quick Trip To The Clinic Lyrics performed by Milemarker are property and copyright of the authors, artists and labels. You should note that A Quick Trip To The Clinic Lyrics performed by Milemarker is only provided for educational purposes only and if you like the song you should buy the CD

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