Johnny Farnham has always been one of my favourites because his songs are straight from the heart and about life so they all have there meaning in the man him self who he is as we all know...Johnny Farnham!! Some of my friends think I'm not up with the new music but I'm one of a kind because I will always like Johnny Farnham with his such good talent he has because his tunes are better listening to than alot of new songs...
I watched his concert on tellie and have recorded so I will enjoy having that for ever and it's been great going back to it...Johnny has always been an inspiring man and playing inspiring music...unfortunatley he has said the last time but I believe what Ross Wilson said that he will get back on the horse and saddle up more great songs with his great have achieved everything John in your fifty years and wish you success and happiness of what you already have got in the next fifty years!! Go go go Johnny keep up the good work in your music career for so many australians by a great australian you are...cheers
All Of Them!! Lyrics performed by John Farnham are property and copyright of the authors, artists and labels. You should note that All Of Them!! Lyrics performed by John Farnham is only provided for educational purposes only and if you like the song you should buy the CD