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From Hell To Texas Lyrics

Born to die in a rock 'n' roll band
Always seemed like a hell of a plan
Form Hell To Texas in a beat up van
Why can't you understand

Mama said boredom will rot you brain
So I gotta get out of here before
I go insane

Go to hell honey I'm back on the road
Can't even say goodbye
Nothing you can say can keep me here
Don't even try
Go to hell honey I'm back on the road
That's where I'm gonna stay
Kick scream and cry all you want
I'm still going away

Cause I'm sick of you I'm sick os staying home
If don't rock soon I'm gonna explode

Born to die in a rock 'n' roll band
Always seemed like a hell of a plan
Form Hell To Texas in a beat up van
Why can't you understand

Born to die in a rock 'n' roll band
Always seemed like a hell of a plan
Form Hell To Texas in a beat up van
Why can't you understand

That if I die somewhere on the road
Flush my fucking ashes down a Cracker Barrel commode

Drink up everybody we're back on the road
And we ain't going away
Drink up everybody we're back on the road
We drunk and ready to play
Drink up everybody we're back on the road
Couldn't quit if we tried
Drink up everybody we're back on the road
Where rules don't apply

From Hell To Texas Lyrics performed by Nashville Pussy are property and copyright of the authors, artists and labels. You should note that From Hell To Texas Lyrics performed by Nashville Pussy is only provided for educational purposes only and if you like the song you should buy the CD

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