my spirit takes a journey through my mind
in through the endless coloured waves
the shaded patterns moving through these places
fan across the faces of my memory
out of sight not out of mind
intellactuality is holding nothing left for me on this flight
the spaces of the time before
leave the logic at the door of reality
out of sight not out of mind
rain of the summer fills the hand
a snow white turtle on a stained glass land
lie overturned, legs that kick and claw
cannot bite into the wall
this vision paling slowly now into the tunneling liquid space
inside this microdot daydream
i seek an understanding of my life in this place
out of sight not out of mind
Out Of Mind Lyrics performed by Psychotic Waltz are property and copyright of the authors, artists and labels. You should note that Out Of Mind Lyrics performed by Psychotic Waltz is only provided for educational purposes only and if you like the song you should buy the CD