Throw me into the water I'm not afraid to begin again
To wash away the red red clay
Covering my body from the deep deep grave
I've been digging through a dark dark hour
A low low ditch to build the highest tower
There's a blue light upon the ocean floor
So I've been diving down to be made pure
To be reborn
Take me down to the Devil I'm not afraid of a little sin
To burn away these dead dead days
And pison my sorrow 'til it slips away
Out of my heart and out of my hands
Through my fingers and onto the land
The high tide comes to carry out to sea
The hell we raise so we can be cured
We can be free
Send me down to the bottom of the good earth where I can see
Where I can hear the river run clear
Cool cool water down to drown my fear
Come to see the shore everyone's waiting
To be made pure to be redone
Come to the shore and jump right in
To the blue water where we can sleep
And soon begin again
There Is A Blue Light Lyrics performed by Crooked Fingers are property and copyright of the authors, artists and labels. You should note that There Is A Blue Light Lyrics performed by Crooked Fingers is only provided for educational purposes only and if you like the song you should buy the CD