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Torra Fy Ngwalt Yn Hir Lyrics

Nei di dorri fy ngwallt yn hir?
Will you cut my hair long?
Reit i lawr at fy nhin
Right down to my arse
Nei di dorri fy ngwallt yn hir?
Will you cut my hair long?
Reit i lawr at fy nhin
Right down to my arse

Fydd neb yn eistedd wrth fy ymyl
No-one will be sitting next to me
Pan dwi ar y bws
When I'm on the bus

Nei di dorri fy ngwallt yn hir?
Will you cut my hair long?
A paid a geund dim ffys!
And don't make a fuss!

Nei di dorri fy ngwallt yn hir?
Will you cut my hair long?
Dros fy eiliau
Over my eyelashes
Nei di dorri fy eiliau
Will you cut my eyelashes
Dros nghlustiau?
Over my ears?

Os yw'r dyfodol yn y fantol
If the future's in the balance
Na'i ddim clywed dim!
I won't hear a thing!

Nei di dorri fy ngwallt yn hir?
Will you cut my hair long?
Pam lai? Pam ddim?
Why not? Why not?
Nei di
Will you

Siswrn! Nei di dyfu fy ngwallt, pan dwi tyfu fyny, tyfu fyny?
Scissors! Will you cut my hair, when I'm growing up, growing up? (X4)

Nei di dorri fy ngwallt yn hir?
Will you cut my hair long?
Reit i lawr at fy nhin
Right down to my arse
Nei di dorri fy ngwallt yn hir?
Will you cut my hair long?
Reit i lawr at fy nhin

Torra Fy Ngwalt Yn Hir Lyrics performed by Super Furry Animals are property and copyright of the authors, artists and labels. You should note that Torra Fy Ngwalt Yn Hir Lyrics performed by Super Furry Animals is only provided for educational purposes only and if you like the song you should buy the CD

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