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Up For Grabs Lyrics

Eve took adam by the apple tree
Adam said eve, what you got for me?
Eve said adam baby, try this, it's good
God said, oh me, there goes the neighborhood
Snake slithered off to have a laugh with mother
All I can say is it's all up for grabs.

All I can say is it's all up for grabs (x3)
... up for grabs (x2)

Narcissist started into a (? ) pool
Transformed to a flower by a fate so cruel
Nimrod then built the tower of babylon...babylon
Now it's always the rock he chose to build it on
Someone up there was keeping the tab
All I can say is it's all up for grabs.


Up For Grabs Lyrics performed by Spin Doctors are property and copyright of the authors, artists and labels. You should note that Up For Grabs Lyrics performed by Spin Doctors is only provided for educational purposes only and if you like the song you should buy the CD

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