Voted off the island of normality
Voted off the island of conformity
Voted off the island of the flags
And damn proud of it too
Voted off the island of the neckties
Voted off the island of the 9 to 5's
Voted off the island of the drones
And damn proud of it too
Voted off the island of the mainstream
Voted off the island of the wannabes
Voted off the island of the Kennedys
Damn proud of it too
Voted off the island
Voted off the island
Voted off the island
See ya...
Voted Off The Island Lyrics performed by Jello Biafra are property and copyright of the authors, artists and labels. You should note that Voted Off The Island Lyrics performed by Jello Biafra is only provided for educational purposes only and if you like the song you should buy the CD