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Other Songs LYRICS

Burzum - Other Songs Album Lyrics

  1. Burzum (Dunkelheit) Lyrics
  2. Das Einsame Trauern Von Frijo (The Lonesome Mourning Of Frijo) Lyrics
  3. Decrepitude .I. (Gebrechlichkeit .I.) Lyrics
  4. Decrepitude I Lyrics
  5. Der Tod Wuotans (The Death Of Wuotan) Lyrics
  6. Der Weinende Hadnur (The Crying Hadnur) Lyrics
  7. Det Som En Gang Var (Was Einst War) Lyrics
  8. Die Kraft De Mitgefuehls (The Power Of Empathy) Lyrics
  9. Die Liebe Nerpus' (Nerpus' Love) Lyrics
  10. Frijos Goldene Tranen (Frijo's Golden Tears) Lyrics
  11. Hvis Lyset Tar Oss (Wenn Das Licht Uns Nimmt) Lyrics
  12. In Das Schloss Der Traeume Lyrics
  13. Inn I Slottet Far Droemmen (In Das Schloss Der Traeume) Lyrics
  14. Jesu Dod (Jesus' Tod) Lyrics
  15. Jesus Tod Lyrics
  16. Joln Lyrics
  17. Tomhet (Leere) Lyrics
  18. Tuistos Herz (Tuisto's Heart) Lyrics
  19. Ek Fellr Lyrics
  20. Hail Freyja Lyrics
  21. Hail Odin Lyrics
  22. Ek Fellr (I Am Falling) Lyrics
  23. God From The Machine Lyrics
  24. Hall Of The Fallen Lyrics
  25. Jesus' Tod Lyrics
  26. Lady In The Lake Lyrics
  27. The Coming Of Ettins Lyrics
  28. The Lady In The Lake Lyrics
  29. The Reckoning Of Man Lyrics
  30. The Ways Of Yore Lyrics
  31. To Hel And Back Again Lyrics
  32. En Ring Til Å Herske Lyrics

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