Speak so softly, afraid to use name
Tongue tied quietly, just turn and walk away
A future perfect, with holes torn in the sides
Consciously quick, to labor on the lie
These marks left by you
Ghost who went too soon
Hold me under
Like you always do
This scratch made for you
Come together soon
Just like always
Waste away these days
The cracks in the picture, never could turn a blind eye
Nothing so innocent, would occupy your mind
So we'll repeat the process further and further apart
Sleep more feel less, lay down in the dark
These marks left by you
Ghost who went too soon
Hold me under
Like you always do
This scratch made for you
Come together soon
Just like always
Waste away these days
7 Years Lyrics performed by Blood Red Shoes are property and copyright of the authors, artists and labels. You should note that 7 Years Lyrics performed by Blood Red Shoes is only provided for educational purposes only and if you like the song you should buy the CD