How y'all doing there, folks?
My name is Aberdeen Washington
And I'm a proud American and a terrorist fighter
That's right
Hey get me another beer bitch
Now when the day Bin Laden comes to town
Imma drop a deuce, wipe it up with his towel
Mow my lawn, sit on the couch, Imma watch some football
I pray to the lord the Cowboys win
And beat the hell outta them damn Redskins
Call up the boys, get drunk as shit
Goddamn right, I'm American
That's right, I'm American
Got a picture of Reagan above my fire
Next to the deer I shot with my rifle
N.R.A.? Hell yeah, I support 'em
No pro-choice, no abortion
Mexicans? send 'em back over the border
Right on home to Samoa, wherever they come from
Taking our jobs, eating out hamburgers, taking our jobs
They're taking our jobs, I see 'em in the fields I'm taking their heads off
I hate my job and I hate my boss
But I love my country and I pray to God that the cowboys win
That the Cowboys win
That's right, that's right, that's right, come on
Everybody just clap your hands
If you love our country, if you love our land
That's right
And if you're not clapping your hands
You're a terrorist and you eat sand, sandwiches
The day Bin Laden comes to town
Imma drop a deuce, wipe my poop with his towel
Mow my lawn, sit on the couch, and Imma watch some football
And I pray to the lord the Cowboys win
And beat the hell outta them damn Redskins
Call up the boys, get drunk as shit
Goddamn right, I'm American
I'm Ameri-fuckin'-can
Now John McCain and Sarah Palin I know you lost out there and it was a tough one
But you're still two mavericks in my book, don't worry about it
Now listen Palin, I heard you like beer
Me too
I don't have a six pack, but I got a beer bong in my pants
What do you say we go get shitfaced in a helicopter and kill a moose
America, the chosen
Guns, explosions
McDonalds, bowling
You don't like it, we exploit ya
Pop a pill, get a boner
Hell Yeah Tony Romo
Man that guy's so damn cute I wanna sack his boner and ride him brokeback all the way to Wyoming
...No homo... syke
Hey I said no homo
Hey... fuck terrorists
I don't mean like, I don't wanna fuck a terrorist
Guys, I'm kidding
I like Romo, I don't like Romo
I said fuck terrorists not I wanna fuck a terrorist
you wouldn't, if you caught Bin Laden you wouldn't give him one in the butt?
For America?
If ya said "no homo" right after ya did it?
It doesn't count if it's terrorists
Hey little Aberdeen, come in here
Hey, come sing the family national anthem, come on
That's right, I'm an American citizen
Aberdeen Washington, this is my country
And just because Barack Obama won the presidential election
Does not mean that half the country doesn't feel the same way I do
And I came to America
And I live in America
Come on
And I live in America
I do too, dad
Lemme get 'em
And I live in America
And I live in Ameri...
Shut up, little Aberdeen shut the fuck up
My bad
Let me tell 'em
That's right
I'm American
American Lyrics performed by Macklemore are property and copyright of the authors, artists and labels. You should note that American Lyrics performed by Macklemore is only provided for educational purposes only and if you like the song you should buy the CD