Any way you want it, you can call me any day
Hey - hey - hey
Any way you want it, you can always hear me say
Hey - hey - hey
It's all right (It's all right) It's all right (It's all right)
It's all right (It's all right)
It's all right so anyway you want it That's the way it will be
You don't want money, you don't want a diamond ring
Hey - hey -hey
You say you want my lovin' more than any other thing
Hey - hey - hey
Anyway, anyway you want it That's all right by me
Anyway, anyway you want it That's the way it will be
Anyway You Want It Lyrics performed by Ramones are property and copyright of the authors, artists and labels. You should note that Anyway You Want It Lyrics performed by Ramones is only provided for educational purposes only and if you like the song you should buy the CD