Bip bop, bip bop bop
Bip bop, bip bop bam
Treat me like a good boy
Treat me like a man
Bip bop, bip bop bop
Bip bop, bip bop bam
Bip bop, bip bop bop
Bip bop, bip bop bam
Bip bop, bip bop bop
Bip bop, bip bop bam
Fold it like a dollar
Take it in your hand
Bip bop, bip bop bop
Bip bop, bip bop bam
Treat me like a good boy
Treat me like a man
Bip bop, bip bop bop
Bip bop, bip bop bam
Bip bop, bip bop bam
Bip bop, bip bop band
Treat me like a good boy
Beat me like a man
This is a little song called "Hey, Diddle, I Want You Back"
Hey, Diddle, I want you back
Diddle, I want you back
Hey, Diddle, I want you back
Diddle, I want you back
Ah, don't be long
My heart isn't strong
Don't be long
Ah, never fear
The next time around
She'll be here
Hey, Diddle, I want you back
Diddle, I want you back
Hey, Diddle, I want you back
Diddle, I want you back
Diddle, I want you back
I wouldn't make her
Her wooden table
I wouldn't care
Bip Bop/Hey Diddle Lyrics performed by Paul McCartney are property and copyright of the authors, artists and labels. You should note that Bip Bop/Hey Diddle Lyrics performed by Paul McCartney is only provided for educational purposes only and if you like the song you should buy the CD