This band played at the Metro
About 2000 people watched the show
The rock show was great
The rock show was perfect
The concert was a jam
Blue Eyed Christ
Blue Eyed Christ
Blue Eyed Christ
Blue Eyed Christ
The band played it on
The crowd roared like a lion
The jam session was excellent
The rock and roll was perfect
Blue Eyed Christ
Blue Eyed Christ
Blue Eyed Christ
Blue Eyed Christ
The show was over
A lot of people met the band
The rock show was a smash hit record
It was a smash record
It was a great show
Blue Eyed Christ
Blue Eyed Christ
Blue Eyed Christ
Blue Eyed Christ
Rock over London
Rock on, Chicago
Rolling Stones - it's Chicagoland's superstore
BlueEyed Christ Lyrics performed by Wesley Willis are property and copyright of the authors, artists and labels. You should note that BlueEyed Christ Lyrics performed by Wesley Willis is only provided for educational purposes only and if you like the song you should buy the CD