Suffer from greed and look for more
Try to get higher, try to get by
Live your life without prayer
Easy like the catcher in the eye
Or set out on this journey with me
Tired of all the lies
Milk and honey overdose
In the world of artificial smiles
Do we bow, boy?
Do we bow, boy?
You say you’re happy then you cry at night
The river of anguish will flow
Rise up and shake off the pain
Let off steam, let the strenght show
Unmask the torturer
Unmask him, be brave
Unmask the conqueror
The one that turns your life into your grave
Do we bow, boy?
Do we bow, boy?
Do we bow or do we fight for it?
Do we bow, boy?
Do we bow or do we fight for it?
Do we bow, boy?
Do we bow or do we cut them dead?
(Position – profession – possession – obsession)
Do We Bow? Lyrics performed by Ákos are property and copyright of the authors, artists and labels. You should note that Do We Bow? Lyrics performed by Ákos is only provided for educational purposes only and if you like the song you should buy the CD