E is missing
He's not in his room
Rome is no longer behind him
The gris-gris heard there was water on Mars
and he's on his way to fix it
his fingernails are missing, one through ten
and there's ink all over the place
Nowhere .... was not here
nowhere's not there
nowhere is nowhere
His soul's in the corner
very uptight
it's ugly
but it's not meant to be
A derelict lighthouse
signalling men
in shipwrecks under the ocean
Secret bruises from a writing machine
dismantled in a winter landscape
his fingernails are missing, one through ten
and there's ink all over the place
E Is Missing Lyrics performed by John Cale are property and copyright of the authors, artists and labels. You should note that E Is Missing Lyrics performed by John Cale is only provided for educational purposes only and if you like the song you should buy the CD