What wisdom hangs a man up on a tree
As the only way to end my misery?
What kind of thinking made the way to heaven hard
A crooked journey down a straight and narrow path?
How can I make sense of this?
I am living in God's foolishness
All the money and the power and the cleverness
Of this world, defeated by foolishness
Foolish things shame the kings
What wisdom puts the prophet in a desert place
Nobody to hear a single word he says?
And what wisdom brings reward from suffering
Where if I want to win I have to lose everything?
Cool water from a rock salvation from a Nazarene
Dethroned for the unloved a cross in the heart of God
I reasoned myself to death but
I was saved by foolishness
All my big ideas made such a mess
But I'm clean now, saved from foolishness
Foolish things made a king from a fool
Foolishness Lyrics performed by Tree63 are property and copyright of the authors, artists and labels. You should note that Foolishness Lyrics performed by Tree63 is only provided for educational purposes only and if you like the song you should buy the CD