(feat. Lil' Wayne)
Let me do wat I came to did
I'm fuckin money cus I came with it
Fuck da rulers lil wayne 2 big
I luv da rumors it mean wayne 2 big
And I get brain like a anuriz-um
I'm da creme of da creme
I tend 2 offend
Da one of one
U can get shot by da son of a gun
If u snitch my purpose is 2 have your tung
And mail it 2 ya mom
Along with a bomb
Boom I'm
I'm so kadam
I'm so osam barak-obam
I ain't got no time if it ain't bout cake
Dats all I eat cus dats all I ate
And I keep a sweet tooth cus I got a tooth ache
A dab of cocaine to da pain rite away
Oops more den a dab say yo to da yay
Yo now I can't feel my face
Go and get da big wheels wet paint
And I act like my shit don't stank
Dat bank dat bank
Tell da bank I'm on my way
I'm on da highway gettin chased
I get it
And u best hide it
Cus if I spot it
I got it I got it
Get Money Lyrics performed by Gorilla Zoe are property and copyright of the authors, artists and labels. You should note that Get Money Lyrics performed by Gorilla Zoe is only provided for educational purposes only and if you like the song you should buy the CD