A greatful man bows before You
To thank You Lord
In silent tears, for there is so much
To thank You for
I have nothing
Nothing if not for You
How can I repay You?
What can I ever give back to You?
I always will remember
Your great kindness
In desperate need, I cried out
You delivered me
My soul from death, my feet from stumbling
My eyes from tears
I will lift up salvation's cup
And call Your name
How can I repay You?
What can I ever give back to You?
I always will remember
Your great kindness
I have everything
Yet nothing if not for You
How can I repay You?
What can I ever give back to You?
I always will remember
Your great kindness
Great Kindness Lyrics performed by Tree63 are property and copyright of the authors, artists and labels. You should note that Great Kindness Lyrics performed by Tree63 is only provided for educational purposes only and if you like the song you should buy the CD