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I Am The Amazon Lyrics

I am the amazon
I am the amazon
I am the amazon
I am the amazon

I am the amazon
I am the amazon
I am the amazon
I am the amazon

I am the amazon
I am the amazon
I am the amazon
I am I am
I am the amazon
I am the amazon
I am the amazon
I am the amazon

Chatrat al am amaluem amazuem
Bagdash al nagued
Al nagkatra al arb masbesht
Mueshen duem em Khartoum
Babarueme bashtan bashtan
Hayip bayip bibijin verguer

I am I am I am I am
I am I am I am I am

Det var den sommaren på Fårö
Harriet Liv och Bibi
Känslan av att vara
En av kvinnorna i
Ingmar Bergmans liv

I am the amazon

I am I am I am I am
I am I am I am the amazon
I am I am I am I am
I am I am I am the amazon

I am the amazon
I am the amazon
I am the amazon
I am the amazon

I am the amazon
I am the amazon
I am the amazon
I am the amazon

I am
I can't remember

I Am The Amazon Lyrics performed by Army Of Lovers are property and copyright of the authors, artists and labels. You should note that I Am The Amazon Lyrics performed by Army Of Lovers is only provided for educational purposes only and if you like the song you should buy the CD

What is the meaning of I Am The Amazon lyrics?