I'm sitting at the table while my friends
Are talkin' and I'm
Wasting my ninth life and stealing ideas from a book
So they can believe I'm strong
The giggling schoolgirls
Who speak loudly about sex
Are nymphs who grin when I bleed
And it seems they enjoy watching me
But I know someday I'll laugh about this
Nowhere, and nowhere
And all points 'tween...
I'm but a cloud in the breeze
Seeing her stepping out from my blood
Hurts me so much
Distant wind chimes bring me back to my pains
I'm no longer young enough to escape
Her lies,
She suspects nobody makes bets on
Oh she'll never understand
That wishing won't make it true
Well now I'm sure I'm not bleeding alone
Imaginary Flower Lyrics performed by Hogwash are property and copyright of the authors, artists and labels. You should note that Imaginary Flower Lyrics performed by Hogwash is only provided for educational purposes only and if you like the song you should buy the CD