From out of the darkness, before there was time
There came a sound that enters the mind
Through a door that's deep in your soul
Through every pore of your body it goes
And in a light too bright to behold
Is a truth more shiny than gold
And as sure as this candle burns
Every soul must return
Into the light, into the light
From out of the light there comes a story...
Open your mind, and feel the glory
What's the hurry to die without trying?
If you could sell your worries (sell your worries)
Would anyone buy 'em? (oh no)
And for every flower that grows, even a baby knows
That as sure as the candle burns
Every soul must return
Into the light, into the light
Into The Light Lyrics performed by Prince & The Revolution are property and copyright of the authors, artists and labels. You should note that Into The Light Lyrics performed by Prince & The Revolution is only provided for educational purposes only and if you like the song you should buy the CD