I feel deserted in her eyes
like I'm floating in red seas
set your sails, catch a breeze
Under early morning sky's
she drives far away from me
set your sails, set me free
she rolls the window down and screams an awful sound
twenty miles down she's found her voice
It travels in the wind
breaks my walls down, breaks them in
breaks me down, it breaks me in
I'll be leaving all the lights
wondering where you've gone
I'll be sleeping with the lights on
all the while you're gone
So simple your life gets
the more running through your head
its day by day its how life goes
constantly feeling alone, familiar places are unknown,
and clocks are always ticking too slow
Its not that my hearts breaking, its not that my mind is aching
its the shaking of my hands
the constant shaking. no one understands
So I pull the window down and I scream an awful sound
Calling out to you.
when you find your way, if you find your way
I'll be waiting
Leaving all the lights on.
Milligrams For Migraines Lyrics performed by Hidden In Plain View are property and copyright of the authors, artists and labels. You should note that Milligrams For Migraines Lyrics performed by Hidden In Plain View is only provided for educational purposes only and if you like the song you should buy the CD