Blinded by shining tears
I've walked out into fields just to find you
Thirsting for living water
I've struck the rock in anger just to remind you
Holy God you promised me your peace
And I'm still here holding on, please release me
Everything I want may not be what you want for me
Not as this world gives do you give
I'm starting to see
Release me
Five thousand miles from home
I come into my own - is this blessing?
I've found riches in my exile
I'm strongest when I'm fragile - you keep me guessing
Holy God I'm starving at your feast
Can't help feeling so unworthy - please release me
Not As This World Lyrics performed by Tree63 are property and copyright of the authors, artists and labels. You should note that Not As This World Lyrics performed by Tree63 is only provided for educational purposes only and if you like the song you should buy the CD