If I get down on my knees and I pleaded with you
Not to go but to stay here in my arms
Would you still walk out the door
Like you did once before, Oh this time
Be different please stay, don't go
If I called out your name in a prayer
Would you still walk away from my side
Knowing I needed you so, would you still
Turn and go, oh this time
Be different please stay, don't go
I'm begging you stay
You took me away, form the rest of the world
When you taught me to love you,j like you did
Yes you did, now I hang my head in shame and misery
But I still, yes I still can be saved with your kiss
If I called out your nameand I pleaded with you
Not to go but stay here by my side
Would you still hurt my pride
Leave me crying deep down inside
Oh this time, be different please stay, don't go
Please Stay Lyrics performed by The Rubettes are property and copyright of the authors, artists and labels. You should note that Please Stay Lyrics performed by The Rubettes is only provided for educational purposes only and if you like the song you should buy the CD