So You're Gonna Die; Ordinary World ('06); Trk 19
[Refrain 1: Everybody's gonna die; don't it make you wanna cry; don't it make you wanna, kick, and scream, and act obscene in everyway-ay; before they put in the grave].
[Refrain 2: Not everybody's gonna live, 'cause livin' is for the rich, but everybody's gonna suffer, suffer something fierce, and pass away-ay; and then they'll dump you in the grave].
[Chorus: But before we have gone; we can everyone sing along; we can sing because, someday we'll be gone. And before we have gone; we can everyone sing along; we can sing because, someday we'll be gone].
Everybody's gonna die, stick a needle in the eye, poke at the cuts, and tell them not to drive us nuts, until we're gone, and the goin's slow. Not everybody's gonna live, 'cause livin's hard when you're in-volved with the bottle; But god bless the bottle, till we're gone, and the goin's slow.
And it breaks our heart; or it makes us laugh; or it makes some die; or it drives us ma-a-a-a-ad; it's a lonesome song; and it brings us down, down, down, down; down, down, down, down; down, down; down, down; down, down; down, down, down, down.
[Refrain 1].
[Refrain 2].
[Chorus]; we must sing because; someday we'll be gone.
So You're Gonna Die Lyrics performed by Get Set Go are property and copyright of the authors, artists and labels. You should note that So You're Gonna Die Lyrics performed by Get Set Go is only provided for educational purposes only and if you like the song you should buy the CD