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Tahitianambrosia Maker Lyrics

We were real hungry and half dead
When you broke out half a loaf of sourdough bread
And in the tropical air the scent rose like a spirit
Moments of grace like this being wholly unmerited

We were newly alive and I felt your hand on my arm
I was awake to the sensation and immune from all harm
You pressed your soft cheek up against my gut
Pure gold, nothing but gold

And I'm gonna bake you a nice coconut cream pie
'Cause I saw the sky coming down to meet you

Tahitianambrosia Maker Lyrics performed by The Mountain Goats are property and copyright of the authors, artists and labels. You should note that Tahitianambrosia Maker Lyrics performed by The Mountain Goats is only provided for educational purposes only and if you like the song you should buy the CD

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