Krusty: Well, Itchy and Scratchy are gone, but here's a cartoon that tries to make learning fun! Sorry about this, kids. But stay tuned. We've got some real good toy commercials coming right up. I swear.
Boy: Say, who left all this garbage on the steps of Congress?
I'm not garbage.
I'm an amendment to be.
Yes, an amendment to be.
And I'm hoping that they'll ratify me.
There's a lot of flag burners
Who have got too much freedom.
I want to make it legal for policemen to beat 'em.
'Cause there's limits to our liberties.
'Least I hope and pray that there are.
'Cause those liberal freaks go too far.
Boy: But why can't we just make a lawagainst flag burning?
Amendment-to-be: Because that law would be unconstitutional. But if we changethe Constitution...
Boy: Then we could make all sorts of crazy laws.
Amendment-to-be: Now you're catching on.
Bart: What the hell is this?
Lisa: It's one of those campy seventies throwbacks that appeals to generation x-ers.
Bart: We need another Vietnam to thin out their ranks a little.
Boy: But what if people say you're not good enough to be in the Constitution?
Then I'll crush all opposition to me
And I'll make Ted Kennedy pay.
If he fights back, I'll say that he's gay.
Narrator: Good news, amendment. They ratified you. You're in the U.S. Constitution.
Amendment-to-be: Oh, yeah! Door's open, boys!
Lisa: So it's true. Some cartoons do encourage violence.
The Day The Violence Died Lyrics performed by The Simpsons are property and copyright of the authors, artists and labels. You should note that The Day The Violence Died Lyrics performed by The Simpsons is only provided for educational purposes only and if you like the song you should buy the CD