Larry when you're loved like you are you won't ever feel alone
You won't be left alone when you're loved like you are
Larry when you're loved like you are people think of you and smile
They think of you and their glad so they smile when you're loved like you are
We will be with you that means you will be with us, too
Larry when you're loved like you are everything falls into place
Everything else falls into place when you're loved like you are
We will be with you that means you will be with us, too
Larry when you're loved like you are you won't ever feel alone
You won't be left alone when you're loved like you are
When You're Loved Like You Are Lyrics performed by Of Montreal are property and copyright of the authors, artists and labels. You should note that When You're Loved Like You Are Lyrics performed by Of Montreal is only provided for educational purposes only and if you like the song you should buy the CD