All of a sudden this big world will end
Billions of people will wish it never began
Let us pray, let us pray
No amount of wisdom, stature or wealth
Will impress the ever-loving God
Or (that is) Christ Himself
Let us pray, let us pray
You get what you pray for
Forgiveness and grace Lord
Ohh - That's what I need
You get what you pray for
Salvation is there for you
Get on your knees
Do you really think that God grades on a curve
when all of the answers are found in the Word Let us pray
Who shall you blame when you're standing in flames
Ya can't pray to Jesus - He won't know your name
Let us pray, let us pray
You get what you pray for
And that's what it's there for
Ohh - that's what I need
You get what you pray for
And God knows what's best for you
Oh - Get on your knees
You say there's so many things that you need
You never get them cause they would deceive (you)
A man can't stumble when he's on his knees
So let us pray!
All of a sudden God's grace will be torn
Billions of hell bound will wish they never were born
Let us pray, let us pray
None of your excuses or shattering yells
Will turn the head of God
Who once called for your help
You get what you pray for
And that's what it's there for
Oh - that's what I need
You get what you pray for
What more could you ask for
Oh - but you gotta believe!
You say there's so many things that you need
You never listen so you won't receive
Seek first the kingdom - He knows what you need before you pray
You get what you pray for
You Get What You Pray For Lyrics performed by Tourniquet are property and copyright of the authors, artists and labels. You should note that You Get What You Pray For Lyrics performed by Tourniquet is only provided for educational purposes only and if you like the song you should buy the CD