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You Make It Easy Lyrics

I've been down on love for so long
My bad luck seems to be gone

Yeah something it happens
Every time you come around
You make me feel like dancing
So please stay around

Hey baby come close to me
Lovin' you comes so naturally
Stay baby stay here with me
'Cause you make it easy

Come see me Cinco De Mayo
Stay with me fourth of Ju Li Oh!

We'll pick out adelias
You can wear them in your hair
We'll drink margaritas
And go dancing in the square

Hey baby come close to me
Lovin' you comes so naturally
Stay baby stay here with me
'Cause you make it easy

Yeah something happens
Every time I see you smile
You make me feel like dancing
So please stay a while

Hey baby come close to me
Lovin' you comes so naturally
Stay baby stay here with me
'Cause you make it easy
Yeah you make it easy
Yeah you make it easy

You Make It Easy Lyrics performed by Brett Dennen are property and copyright of the authors, artists and labels. You should note that You Make It Easy Lyrics performed by Brett Dennen is only provided for educational purposes only and if you like the song you should buy the CD

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