I'm sinking down, held by your charms
You come to me and I feel like naked
I don't have that much time to crawl to run outside this force all around me
Cleo Cleo Cleo
Cleo Cleo Cleo
Cleo Cleo Cleo
Cleo Cleo Cleo
We'll leave this town and travel light
Without thinking of economic crisis
Saying "fuck off" to anyone trying to prove that remorse will kill me
Cleo Cleo Cleo
Cleo Cleo Cleo I love you
Cleo Cleo Cleo
Cleo Cleo Cleo I love you
More everyday
More everyday
Cleo Cleo Cleo
Cleo Cleo Cleo
Tonight we'll drive down to the south
We'll never have to read employment pages
We will steal things and pay no rent to run outside this force all around us
Cleo Cleo Cleo
Cleo Cleo Cleo I love you
Cleo Cleo Cleo
Cleo Cleo Cleo
Cleo Lyrics performed by Flexa Lyndo are property and copyright of the authors, artists and labels. You should note that Cleo Lyrics performed by Flexa Lyndo is only provided for educational purposes only and if you like the song you should buy the CD